Beach family shoot Llandudno - Cape Town


Family photos are always better if they are real.

The more natural a picture is, the better, don't you think? I photographed Michelle and Michael's wedding some years back. It's been wonderful to watch their family grow, as I've taken family pictures for them over the years. Young Johnny is a chip off Michael's block, same smile, same wonderful energy. 

My shoot plan:

I arrived at the Llandudno beach with one plan in mind, capture the pictures of personalities rather than structure the shoot. Johnny ran around like all young kids should. I was there with the camera! I encouraged him to do exactly what he wanted to (luckily Michael and Michelle are very relaxed) I loved the pictures of him jumping in the water, so much fun. 

Meet "Gary" the 6-month-old burnese dog.

I've always wanted to call a dog a "people" name! That way I could say; "Don't worry, Garry won't bite" when inviting friends over. ;-) 

Lot's of pictures = enjoyment of life.

I always enjoy seeing pictures in someone's house. For me, it's a testament to the enjoyment of life.

Memories fade, pictures don't.