Sonyx Sparkle party photos


Sonyx Sparkle Party Photos

Monique and Elton approached me to take some Sonyx Sparkle Party photos. The Sparkle Party was highly anticipated! I'd already booked tickets ages ago and had no plan on working. Anyone who knows me, knows I love a good dance. I also love dress up and themes, and frankly there are no holds barred.

I'm a sucker for photographing memories!! 

I can't resist getting my camera out when there are magical moments happening. So being asked to take party photos and the Sonyx Sparkle Party wasn't a big ask for me. It was only a few minutes every hour, and I'd enjoy the evening exactly as intended. 

Not for the PTA

Dressed by the incredible Kara Fox, I arrived with kitty ears, a sequined bolero and tights... definitely not the outfit for a parents' meeting at school. :-) or who knows, in today's world, perfect!

What a great bunch of people!

Over the last two years, I've met incredible people through festivals, a large section of them are part of Sonyx! I'm in my tribe when I'm with these people. 

Who is Sonyx:

Sonyx is Elton Holland, DJ name Sord and Monique Creamer, DJ name Nyx so.... Sonyx! I have to say, both of them have created a brand that everyone loves! If you're not into clubbing but you like wonderful people and a good dance! Look out for any Sonyx Parties! They are well worth going to. 

Don't make excuses

I hear people say all the time "I can't remember when I last had a good dance" get a sitter if you need one! Make the effort and come to one of the many parties, not only through Sonyx but others too. You don't have to be young or go to clubs to have fun. There are amazing people out there to connect and enjoy life with. 

Join Sonyx 

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Here are the Sonyx Sparkle Party Photos

Less talk more pictures, you'll see, it was an absolutely fantastic party! I made it comfortably till 3.00 the next morning, my heart, filled. The Sonyx Sparkle Party was a huge success, I can't wait for the next one! There are about 150 pictures in the set. 


Side note: Pictures not loading. 

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