The Rock Sculptures of Dalebrook Tidal Pool


This is one of the coolest things I've seen. 

We found the most extraordinary trend at Dalebrook Tidal Pool on fathers day. Apparently, when lockdown started, people started randomly building rock towers or sculptures...  I have no idea what one might call them, it doesn't matter because they are so cool. 

There are literally hundreds of them! 

At first, I thought one person or group had taken the time to build them, I was wrong. While Jordy and myself were there we noticed other 'visitors' also starting to build them as well. I asked someone about this and was told it started during lockdown. People just started building them, how cool. 

Visit and build your own! 

Jordy and I decided to build one too and here is our result. I haven't been back for a few weeks and wonder if it's still standing. So if you visit be sure to build one of your own.

Photographer will have a camera! 

Although smartphones are so much better than they were I can't take them seriously when it comes to photography. I always carry a decent camera with me. On this day I had my Fuji Xt3 which I often use as my travel camera. The kit lens is amazing and the quality of pictures is superb. It was safe enough to let Jordy wander around nearby while I spent a good 30 minutes taking pictures of this extraordinary display. 

I might just enlarge some of these.

The pictures have come out so nicely that might blow some of them up, I think they'd make very nice wall art... 

No Gold...

Here are some of my favourite pictures from the set. Just have a look at that rainbow too! It's the brightest one I've ever seen. Alas, no pot of gold!